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In her eBook, How To Help Your Child Learn to Talk Better in Everyday Activities, Mary
Lou shares with readers the information, insights, and ideas that she has shared with parents
in her practice. The reader can see the topics covered in the eBook by viewing
the Table of Contents on the home page of the web site at http://helpyourchildspeak.com Mary
Lou is also an entrepreneur whose companies sell large format scenic decorative products. Restate
the direction using the same words so he has another chance to process
the same words. It's important for you to notice what and how well
your child understands what is said to him versus how well he picks up clues
from situations.Why is it important?If your child does not understand language, he isn't going to
use language well for his age.Many parents have told me during speech-language assessments, "Oh, he
knows where to throw away the tissue after he wipes his nose."On closer examination, it
becomes apparent that the child Nike Requin does not understand the spoken direction, "Go throw your tissue
in the trash," but rather that he has learned what he is supposed to do
and always does-throw the tissue in the trash.There are many things families do routinely in
their homes.Many children who don't understand spoken language well are fairly good at learning some
of these routines.They know where things are, they know what to do with them, and
they know what action follows another.If you really want to know what your child understands
and how well she understands, you have to check it out in an unfamiliar/non-routine situation
without pointing to or looking at the thing you are talking about.For example, a child
might understand, "Get the spoon," if it just fell on the floor, and she heard
it fall, but she might not understand, "Get the spoon" if you say it "out
of the blue" while standing in the middle of the kitchen away from the location
of the spoons.This is a test and not a teaching Tn Requin step, but it is important
for you to find out.Here I will share with you some steps to follow to
help your child learn to understand and follow directions that you give.You need to go
on to the next step only if your child did not follow the direction--either he
didn't understand, or he didn't comply.Praise him as soon as he does what you asked
by saying the key words again in your praise, for example, "Good!You put your shoes
over by the door."Here's a hierarchy to follow:State a direction without adding any
gestures. Restate the direction using the same words and providing gestures or
demonstration of what he is to do. Mary Lou hopes that her eBook
will enable a parent to gain new ideas and more confidence in her abilities to
help her child acquire new speech-language skills. Say it again and assist
him to do it ["hand over hand"-your hands guiding him through the task.]
As he is doing the task, comment, "That's it!Your are putting your
jacket on the chair." [or whatever it is you asked him to do] Remember
to praise when done using the words from the first presentation of the
direction:"Good-you put your jacket on the chair."Give your child directions to
follow throughout the day that are at his level of understanding, gradually making them more
challenging either by making them longer or saying them in ways you haven't tried before.Get
his attention and then state the direction without pointing or otherwise gesturing.Use the hierarchy as
needed to help him succeed.As your child learns to understand more of what you say,
his expressive language skills are likely to increase, also.Mary Lou B. Johnson, M.S., CCC-SLP, is
a speech-language pathologist with over 33 years experience working with children and their families at
The Children's Hospital, Denver. Say the direction a different way, perhaps providing
more information. Check them out at http://getBiggies.com.
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